Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Okay, first let me ask you a question... How do you define SAARANGish? Well for people who don't know what Saarang is, it is the annual cultural festival of IIT Madras... (check out http://www.saarang.org). Coming back to SAARANGish... anything which has a lot of colours is assumed to be SAARANGish, here in campus.... "How can we ever have something SAARANGish in our techfest Shaastra...?" This was supposed to be a poster for new events of Shaastra 2010. Although it was the typograph which had a lot of colours, peolpe were of the opinion that the box should be changed to some brown carton or metal safe box or something more techie... I used the gift box to give it a fresh and new feeling. This poster is kept aside as for now, as it is SAARANGish. Finally i too agreed but didnt stop wondering whether should i use a brown carton or a metal box to wrap a cellphone if i have to gift it to someone......


  1. Poster with more than 3 bright colours = Saarangish.

    Cant help it dude.

  2. I eventually ceased being a dues-paying member; I felt the association's leadership was not interested in inviting or promoting truly diverse authors who do custom research papers indeed exist in America.

  3. This is good, not the best , but good.
